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What Is Buccal Fat?

Buccal fat refers to the fat pads located in the cheeks, also known as Bichat’s fat pads. These collections of fat are responsible for excess fullness in the lower cheek area and the jowl area. Some feel that their cheeks are too full or chubby or that their face is too full and round and may be interested in reducing the size of their buccal fat pads.

What Is Buccal Fat Removal?

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing some or all of the patient’s buccal fat pads to create a slimmer, more contoured appearance in the cheeks. Removing this fat can highlight the cheekbones and improve the balance of the facial features creating a more “sculpted” appearance to the mid and lower face.

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Benefits of Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal is an effective cosmetic surgery that can offer a variety of notable benefits, including:

  • Slimmer, more defined facial appearance
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Permanent results
  • No scarring (incision is often hidden inside the mouth)
  • Improved facial harmony
  • Eliminates the appearance of “chubby” cheeks or an excessively round face

How Long Is the Recovery Time?

After undergoing buccal fat removal, you can expect to experience some swelling and discomfort in the days following the procedure. Recovery time varies from person to person and depends on several factors such as age, health, and the extent of the procedure.

If you are undergoing buccal fat pad reduction by itself, you can expect to return to non-physical labor within 24-72 hours. During this time, you should rest as much as possible and avoid any strenuous activities. You may also be advised to avoid eating hard or crunchy foods for a few days to prevent any damage to the incision site. You should avoid intense exercise for at least one week after the procedure.

It is important to follow Dr. Weber’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. This may include taking pain medication and attending follow-up appointments to monitor your progress but will vary based on the specific combination of procedures that you choose to undergo.

Am I a Candidate for Buccal Fat Removal?

Adults who would like to achieve slimmer, more defined cheeks could be good candidates for buccal fat removal in Denver. To be an ideal candidate for the surgery, you should:

  • Be in generally good physical health
  • Have the desire to remove fat from your cheeks
  • Not be currently pregnant or nursing
  • Be a non-smoker
  • Have realistic expectations for the procedure

What Kind of Results Can I Expect After Buccal Fat Removal?

Typically, you will start to see the results of buccal fat removal after around two to three weeks. At this time, the swelling will begin to subside and your cheeks will start looking a bit slimmer. However, it usually takes around three months for the complete effects of the surgery to become visible. Generally, the results of buccal fat removal surgery are permanent, but if you gain a large amount of weight in the future, your cheeks could potentially plump up once again.

Why Choose Weber Facial Plastic Surgery for Buccal Fat Removal?

To achieve the best possible results and avoid complications, you need to select a qualified plastic surgeon for your buccal fat removal procedure. At Weber Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Stephen Weber is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon known for his precision, artistic vision and consistently natural-looking results. He and the rest of our team will work closely with you to fully understand your aesthetic needs and goals. We will then go above and beyond to ensure that you have a comfortable overall experience and achieve the life-changing results that you desire. Call our office today to schedule a consultation.

Weber Facial Plastic Surgery



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